Friday, October 29, 2010

Recipes For Wiltons Giant Cupcake

Néstor Kirchner 1950-2010

WORDS speak for themselves

"Kirchner's enemies were our worst enemies: empire, which silenced our mistakes, which we borrowed, which blew the industry which employs the unemployed people who lost their values \u200b\u200band hope, " Andrés Calamaro, singer.

"belonged to that class of people who changed history, living and choose to die feeling that all the hours of militancy are few, " Victor Santa Maria, Secretary Gene ral Suterh union.

Alegre and supportive, generous and courageous, lucid and passionate, and remember him. So continue with us because we will not forget his example. On the contrary, our daily feed. Thank you for the militancy and mysticism, which returned with her passionate commitment and political decisions, " Teresa Parodi, singer .

" In short, neo- eleven specifications, celebrate, gorillas, living in the heart of Kirchner as before their carotid and Eva cancer, suppose that eventually the media law and that the mare should not bear such a strain. But the doubt, one would advise to warn the mass and politicized and mobilized young people and the number of raised what is in front of what putean " , Eduardo Aliverti, a journalist.

"Kirchner er death catches him in full dialogue with youth. In the midst of building one of the things that most need the PJ today: the construction of territorial militancy " Jose Pablo Feinmann philosopher.


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