Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pain Below Left Shoulder Blade Woman


The blind tastings serve to recognize aromas and flavors of wine, without the need to see the label. It is an exercise which implements the senses and as time passes we educate our palates. In this game, the tasters will sit in front of a few wines, without knowing anything about them or some bit of information: vintage, geographic area or region.
people starting in this game, could begin to distinguish the characteristics that differentiate white wines, red wines. As we are recognizing these peculiarities, the target will be more complex, depending always the experience of the tasters.
time and dedication that the future will be able to distinguish crops, although this is to train enough.
organize a blind tasting wine with friends is fun. You need only prepare for recreation, for this reason it is necessary to forget for a moment and concentrate on enjoying everything.
• One of the first steps is to choose a theme for the tasting. A specific goal that gives meaning to the tasting. I suggest you select red from a quality crop, so they can discover the name or region of origin. Also targets of a similar variety, from the last harvest, to identify the variety.
• Choosing wines. The tasting will have a lot more sense if the wines are sufficiently characterized or criminality are required to reach any conclusions.
• Cover the bottles. A paper bag fitted with tape or even the cardboard packing material, will suffice. Do not forget to remove the capsules, so no one can identify the brand. So no participant will know the identity of the brand.
• The order of tasting. It is the most contested decision to be taken by the organizer of the tasting. It is best to use logic: lighter wines at the beginning and more robust than the final end aromatic varieties, wines Young at first and with greater age at the end ... Once you have clear, number the bottles.
• Tasting. It more or less formal depends on the preferences of your group of friends. Not surprisingly, a wine that usually is not among the elect, I especially liked it or vice versa.
Please note:
between wine and wine drinking water and eating a cookie or bread, as it cleanses the palate and prepare for the coming enjoyment.


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