Monday, November 1, 2010

Can You Have Period Symptons During The Menopause

A classic political

Operation Slaughter, a classic book Argentina literature and investigative journalism. A milestone in the rejection of concealment and ignorance

The book Operation Slaughter, the journalist and writer Rodolfo Walsh describes chronologically the events of July 9, 1956, when the police , during the military dictatorship of General Aramburu , Kidnapped and shot Nicolas Carranza, Francisco Gariboti, Vicente Rodriguez, Carlos Mario Lizaso and Brion, in a midden José León Suárez. The victims managed to escape were: Juan Carlos Livraga, Miguel Angel Giunta, Horacio Di Chiana, Juan Carlos Torres, Julio Troxler, Reinaldo Benavidez, Gavino Rogelio Norberto Diaz. The testimonies of survivors led Walsh to initiate an investigation of that case, which culminated in a classic of political literature in Argentina.

The June 9, 1956 the General Raúl Tanco and Juan José Valle revolted by a counter-coup the dictatorship of the "Liberating Revolution", but failed. In José León Suárez dumps were shot several civilians, suspected of being complicit in the revolt. A few months later, Walsh learned that there were several survivors of the massacre.

" That's the story I write hot and yanked " said Walsh. In Operation Slaughter, writer left nothing to chance, all the personal information: names, places, dates, times, situations, documents and testimony of all involved, the families of victims, survivors themselves and those responsible for the shootings, to reconstruct the events of that night and Walsh journalistic research.

Slaughter Operation shows that only a few of these civilians were vaguely related to the uprising, the rest not know about and were shot, or tried, before delivery of the martial law. " The liberation and democratic Argentina June 1956 had nothing to envy Nazi hell," said Rodolfo Walsh wrote himself, as reasons for his research in a hostile and violent social context, because Walsh was not "a movie hero, but simply a man who comes to life, and that's just a movie hero." To date, the slaughter goes unpunished.

July Troxler returns to the scene of the shootings and relive that night


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