Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Father's 60th Birthday Speech

build a new R + D. AR


more than one will probably searched the headquarters of Nintendo, which are created in and out the wonders that we use today, called separate consoles and video games.

Well this is in Kyoto, Japan, in it are carried out studies, research and develop their products.

Now Nintendo has announced that it will be another center again, which is near the headquarters (we see in the picture), will cost twelve million yen which 1500 employees work, responsible for research and development (R & D)

This site is owned
Nintendo since 2008, and it will be built the new building will have 6 floors and a basement, highest level measured 41 meters. Are 40.582 meters square, was once a golf course. Works would start in 2012 to have it ready in 2013.

Out of curiosity, here we see the first headquarters of Nintendo, to see how it went emerging:

Primera sede [1]


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