Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wording Congrats On Pregnancy To Father

Ubuntu Linux: Download and convert internet videos to other formats.

To perform this task I will use Ubuntu Linux 8.04 and Mozilla Firefox 3.05.

Mozilla Firefox browser allows us to install a plug-in that let's you download videos from internet and its conversion to other formats. This plugin called DownloadHelper .

DownloadHelper To install, you have to access the address , click the link Install the extension and follow the download and installation instructions. Once installed

DownloadHelper shown in the browser, an icon next to the box we write addresses to which we will access. This icon, apparently, is disabled, but if you click the right button opens the pop-up menu from which we can perform various tasks.

With this configuration we can download videos from internet on your hard disk. To do this, once we access the video, for example, from youtube , DownloadHelper icon activates an arrow to display a list in which we find the name of the youtube video . We click on the name and start the download.

The downloaded video is stored in the folder dwhelper , which is created in the folder staff user you are logged. This video has extension. Flv and can play with Totem movie player of Ubuntu.

To convert this format to other formats we will add the repositories Medibuntu (Multimedia Entertainment & Distractions Ubuntu) to download and update all audio and video codecs in the system. To do this, we run the following commands: sudo wget 
- output-document = / etc / apt / sources.list. d / medibuntu.list
This order is written all in the same line and added to the file / etc / apt / sources.list repository Medibuntu codecs to update automatically. Note that, in this order, refers to hardy.list , which is the name for version 8.04 of Ubuntu. This name should be replaced by the name of the version of Ubuntu we're using.
   sudo apt-get update & & sudo apt-get install 
medibuntu-keyring & & sudo apt-get update

This order is written all in the same line and add the public key GPG Medibuntu repository to check that the packages are downloaded properly and can be installed without errors.

then run the command sudo apt-get update to upgrade local repositories and synchronize with the new repositories are added.

application that converts multimedia files from one format to another is called ffmpeg and is not installed in Ubuntu. This package is used in the background, for all multimedia applications for Linux, unless otherwise indicated, and is also used in Windows. To install it we have to run the following command:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

With these actions already have installed all the necessary software. We can only configure DownloadHelper so that we can perform file conversions. To do this, run the Mozilla Firefox browser, open the Tools menu and run the Add option . Select the Extensions tab and see a row concerning DownloadHelper. Press the Preferences button this line and select the tab conversion . In this window, activate the checkbox enabled conversion. In the bottom of the new window you can see that it will use ffmpeg to perform file conversions one format to another. We accept the settings and everything is ready for operation.

To perform the conversions, to do right-click the icon for DownloadHelper and run the option Convert videos (this option is not shown above). folder opens dwhelper with the videos we've downloaded. Select the video you want to convert (you can select more than one) and click the Open button accessing a window in which we have to select the format you want to convert our video (if this window click on the button Details will display Advanced options to customize the conversion.) Includes mp3 format. As an example, I've become a high-definition video that lasts three minutes and took a 16.5 MB mp3 file that occupies 2.8 Mb

can view this article where I explain how to install more multimedia codecs.

to enjoy computing!!


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