Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hair Products For Dry Damaged Hair

Install GUI Install wireless card drivers in Ubuntu

Normally, Ubuntu recognized the wireless network card automatically, but not always. The difficulty arises when we have to install the wireless card drivers manually, because manufacturers usually do not provide drivers for Linux. In this case, install the Windows drivers in Linux, which is the subject of this article. Hands (all the operations we do with the user root ).

First, we must
download and install the Ndiswrapper . To do this, execute the order apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 (this is the last version of this package in the time of preparation of this article.)

insert the DVD with Microsoft drivers for the wireless card and search for drivers. In my case, are in the folder Drivers/80211BG/Winxp . In this location are files i2220ntx.sys and neti2220.inf , which are to be copied to the installation of drivers. These files are going to copy the folder drivers you'll create in / opt.

position ourselves in the directory / opt / drivers and execute the order ndiswrapper-i neti2220.inf to install the wireless card drivers. If, subsequently, the contents directory / etc / ndiswrapper , there will be a subdirectory called neti2220 , which contains the drivers just installed. If our wireless network card connects to port usb , connect at this time. The following lines show the result of the implementation of these orders:

Root @ alsico-laptop: ~ # cd / opt / drivers

alsico-root @ laptop: / opt / drivers # ndiswrapper-i neti2220.inf

neti2220 Installing ...

alsico-root @ laptop: / opt / drivers # ls / etc/ndiswrapper/neti2220

17FE: 2220:0305:1468.5. Conf 17FE: 2220.5.conf i2220ntx.sys neti2220.inf

Let execute the order ndiswrapper-l to verify that the driver is installed correctly. The output of this command is:

alsico-root @ laptop: / opt / drivers # ndiswrapper-l

neti2220: driver installed

device (17FE: 2220) present

Finally, we will execute the order ndiswrapper-m . This command creates the file ndiswrapper in directory / etc / modprobe.d , whose content is the line alias wlan0 ndiswrapper , indicating that it will use the alias wlan0 for wireless network card. The output of the ndiswrapper-m is:

root @ alsico-laptop: / opt / drivers # ndiswrapper-m

adding "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" to / etc / modprobe.d / ndiswrapper ...

If we activate the wireless card at this time, run the command ifconfig wlan0 and you can access the wireless network available to us, by clicking on the Network icon located on the top bar on the desktop.

the card to be automatically activated when we fire the computer, edit the file / etc / modules and add the line ndiswrapper.

If we do not want to leave basurilla , can delete the directory / etc / drivers .

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Large Lump Of Mucus In Nose

Printer Error. Unauthorized - The password may be incorrect. Media Server on Linux

We will fix a bug that can be complicated.

The printer management is made easy in Ubuntu. But suddenly (as things tend to happen in computer science), where we will modify the configuration of an existing printer, delete a printer or a new printer, you miss a window that tells us we are not authorized to perform this operation because the password may be incorrect. And now what?

After a few laps, I realized that I have enabled authentication Kerberos. We can see from the Web GUI cupsys, http://localhost:631 accessing and opening the Administration tab. I do not know when this authentication enabled, but the fact is that it is activated.

To solve the problem, you have to disable Kerberos authentication. To do this, run the command sudo gedit / etc / cups / cupsd.conf and remove or comment the line DefaultAuthType Negotiate. Save the changes and restart cupsys sudo with the command / etc / init.d / cupsys restart .

Problem solved.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Memory Loss With Seizures

In this article we Ubuntu Linux configure to add the service to share media files and access them through the network from devices like the PS3, a multimedia hard drive, etc. It's simple.

The server we will install is called mediatomb .

First, install the package:

elnuevo coralie @: ~ $ sudo apt-get install mediatomb

then launch the server:

elnuevo @: ~ $ mediatomb

MediaTomb UPnP Server version 0.11.0 -


Copyright 2005-2008 Gena Batsyan, Sergey Bostandzhyan, Leonhard Wimmer.

MediaTomb is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License version 2

2009-03-27 17:47:24 INFO: Loading configuration from: /home/coralio/.mediatomb/config.xml

2009-03-27 17:47:24 INFO: Checking configuration...

2009-03-27 17:47:24 INFO: Setting filesystem import UTF-8 charset to

27/03/2009 17:47:24 INFO: Setting metadata import charset to UTF-8

27/03/2009 17:47:24 INFO: Setting playlist charset to UTF-8

27/03/2009 17:47:24 INFO: Configuration check succeeded.

27/03/2009 17:47:24 INFO: Initialized port: 49152

27/03/2009 17:47:24 INFO: Server bound to:

27/03/2009 17:47: 25 INFO: Web UI MediaTomb Can Be Reached by Following this link:

27/03/2009 17:47:25 INFO:

In the last line of output generated launching the server, see the address

This is the address that is assigned to the media server and we have to write in any web browser to manage your multimedia files from a web interface, and can be accessed from the multimedia devices. Naturally, this address is within our network.

Although mediatomb server administration is very simple, you can consult online tutorials.

I've tried with the HDD Media Titan Conceptronics multimedia, using the wireless card, and it works beautifully.

A technology continue to enjoy free software!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Wording Congrats On Pregnancy

No sound on Ubuntu 8.04 VirtualBox

Let's cover a little agujerillo that you have version 8.04 of Ubuntu. It

not hear any sound from sound card. If we all relevant evidence from the option System-> Preferences-> Sound not generate any error. If you do the hardware test from System-> Administration-> Hardware testing , nor generate any error.

Well, as always happens in Linux and also in a very short time, in internet I found the solution. We have

edit / etc / modprobe.d / alsa-base and ordered sudo gedit / etc / modprobe.d / alsa-base , and add at the end, line options snd-hda-intel model = 3stack . Reboot and problem solved.

Linux to continue to enjoy!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Woke Up Equilibrium Out Of Balance

. Configure the Linux network. Install Multimedia Codecs

In December 2008 I published an article to configure the network in VirtualBox under Linux. It described how to access the entire network from vituale machines. To do this, you had to configure a bridge and a virtual card and disable the real network card so that all traffic go through the bridge . Configuration is somewhat cumbersome, but when know how to do, quite simple and it works perfectly.

know that VirtualBox is a project of Sun Microsystems. Well, when we use software backed by a solvent (and Sun Microsystems is), these "little problems" are solved quickly. In fact, in version 2.1.2 of VirtualBox (and I assume, from this version, also in the following), the configuration of the network so that virtual machines have full access to the network is very simple and no to use either the bridge or virtual cards. Hands.

Once we have created the virtual machine, we access the network configuration and select Host Interface in paragraph Attached to . Table Host Interfaces displays the network cards installed in the system. Select one and press the OK button . I later found that there is no option Host Interface. In these cases you should select Bridged Adapter network card and the system in paragraph Name .

Setup Complete!

several weeks ago that I am testing this configuration with multiple virtual machines (Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux) operating simultaneously and going great.

A VirtualBox continue to enjoy!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lowest Energy Wave Functions Om Mathematica


In a previous article published how to download videos from internet and convert to other formats using the Medibuntu repository .

In this article I will extend this information to install new multimedia codecs in Ubuntu.

First, we will search the Synaptic Package Manager , Ubuntu Restricted Extras and want to install. With this package, as well as multimedia codecs, I include fonts from Microsoft, the Java environment, the extension that allows you to play flash in browser technology and LAME, an application that allows you to create MP3 files, and the codec to play DVDs home. Almost nothing!

then we run in order terminal sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 after install the Medibuntu repository .

Finally, we will execute the order sudo apt-get install w32codecs , which will allow us to play formats that have no codec on Linux, and Real Audio. A

continued to enjoy!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wording Congrats On Pregnancy To Father

Ubuntu Linux: Download and convert internet videos to other formats.

To perform this task I will use Ubuntu Linux 8.04 and Mozilla Firefox 3.05.

Mozilla Firefox browser allows us to install a plug-in that let's you download videos from internet and its conversion to other formats. This plugin called DownloadHelper .

DownloadHelper To install, you have to access the address , click the link Install the extension and follow the download and installation instructions. Once installed

DownloadHelper shown in the browser, an icon next to the box we write addresses to which we will access. This icon, apparently, is disabled, but if you click the right button opens the pop-up menu from which we can perform various tasks.

With this configuration we can download videos from internet on your hard disk. To do this, once we access the video, for example, from youtube , DownloadHelper icon activates an arrow to display a list in which we find the name of the youtube video . We click on the name and start the download.

The downloaded video is stored in the folder dwhelper , which is created in the folder staff user you are logged. This video has extension. Flv and can play with Totem movie player of Ubuntu.

To convert this format to other formats we will add the repositories Medibuntu (Multimedia Entertainment & Distractions Ubuntu) to download and update all audio and video codecs in the system. To do this, we run the following commands: sudo wget 
- output-document = / etc / apt / sources.list. d / medibuntu.list
This order is written all in the same line and added to the file / etc / apt / sources.list repository Medibuntu codecs to update automatically. Note that, in this order, refers to hardy.list , which is the name for version 8.04 of Ubuntu. This name should be replaced by the name of the version of Ubuntu we're using.
   sudo apt-get update & & sudo apt-get install 
medibuntu-keyring & & sudo apt-get update

This order is written all in the same line and add the public key GPG Medibuntu repository to check that the packages are downloaded properly and can be installed without errors.

then run the command sudo apt-get update to upgrade local repositories and synchronize with the new repositories are added.

application that converts multimedia files from one format to another is called ffmpeg and is not installed in Ubuntu. This package is used in the background, for all multimedia applications for Linux, unless otherwise indicated, and is also used in Windows. To install it we have to run the following command:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

With these actions already have installed all the necessary software. We can only configure DownloadHelper so that we can perform file conversions. To do this, run the Mozilla Firefox browser, open the Tools menu and run the Add option . Select the Extensions tab and see a row concerning DownloadHelper. Press the Preferences button this line and select the tab conversion . In this window, activate the checkbox enabled conversion. In the bottom of the new window you can see that it will use ffmpeg to perform file conversions one format to another. We accept the settings and everything is ready for operation.

To perform the conversions, to do right-click the icon for DownloadHelper and run the option Convert videos (this option is not shown above). folder opens dwhelper with the videos we've downloaded. Select the video you want to convert (you can select more than one) and click the Open button accessing a window in which we have to select the format you want to convert our video (if this window click on the button Details will display Advanced options to customize the conversion.) Includes mp3 format. As an example, I've become a high-definition video that lasts three minutes and took a 16.5 MB mp3 file that occupies 2.8 Mb

can view this article where I explain how to install more multimedia codecs.

to enjoy computing!!