Thursday, December 11, 2008

Can Psoriasis Cause Blood Pressure

VirtualBox. USB ports on Ubuntu.

In this article we will see how to activate the USB ports that can be used in virtual machines we have created with VirtualBox. The host system is Linux Ubuntu 8.04. VirtualBox

has two versions: OSE (Open Source Edition) and PUEL (Personal Use and Evaluation License). I have always worked with the OSE version. PUEL version is not free and, therefore, is not free, although there is a trial version for personal use (PUEL). In the official VirtualBox page shows how to download this version along with the use of the product key.

When I raised the need for USB ports in my virtual machines, I found information online on how to setup, but, surprise: the USB ports can only be used with version PUEL!.

Como, in the electronic computer addition to time, there must be something bold, I decided to test the information I found online in the OSE version, to avoid having to switch to the version PUEL, and something has happened that is not very common: WORKED !. The test I performed with versions 2.0.6 (the latest at the time of this writing) and 1.6.0 and Linux virtual machines with Ubuntu 8.04 and Windows XP in both versions and everything worked properly. The devices I've used have been a printer, external hard drive and a USB.

Here are the actions to be taken to use the USB ports in VirtualBox OSE (assuming that PUEL version would also work, but not proven, my courage has a limit.)

First, we must edit / etc / init.d / and find the following paragraph:

# Magic to make / proc / bus / usb work
# mkdir-p / dev / bus / usb / .usbfs
# domount usbfs "" / dev / bus / usb / .usbfs-obusmode = 0700, devmode = 0600 , 0644 listmode =
.usbfs # ln-s / devices / dev / bus / usb / devices
# mount - Rbind / dev / bus / usb / proc / bus / usb

file / etc / init.d / is a script that mounts special devices on your file system. The system treats it as a service ( is in the directory / etc / init.d ) .

We have to modify the previous block file / etc / init.d / uncommenting the executable lines, as follows:

# Magic to make / proc / bus / usb work
mkdir-p / dev / bus / usb / .usbfs
domount usbfs "" / dev / bus / usb / .usbfs-obusmode = 0700, devmode = 0600, 0644 listmode =
.usbfs ln-s / devices / dev / bus / usb / devices
mount - rbind / dev / bus / usb / proc / bus / usb

then have to edit the file / etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules and search the following paragraph:

# USB serial converters
SUBSYSTEM == "usb_device", GOTO = "usb_serial_start"
SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ENV {DEVTYPE} == "usb_device" GOTO = "usb_serial_start"
GOTO = "usb_serial_end"
LABEL = "usb_serial_start"
ATTRS {idVendor} == "0403", ATTRS {idProduct} == "6001" \\
MODE = "0660", GROUP = "dialout"
LABEL = "usb_serial_end"

In the file / etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules defined users and groups can access the system devices, must add the group vboxusers (this group is using VirtualBox) so we can access from our virtual machines USB ports. The order is added in the previous block, in line ATTRS {idVendor} , as follows (I've written in bold the amendment added) :

# USB serial converters
SUBSYSTEM = = "usb_device", GOTO = "usb_serial_start"
SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ENV {DEVTYPE} == "usb_device", GOTO = "usb_serial_start"
GOTO = "usb_serial_end"
LABEL = "usb_serial_start"
ATTRS {idVendor} == "0403", ATTRS {idProduct} == "6001", \\
, GROUP = "vboxusers" MODE = "0660", GROUP = "dialout"
LABEL = "usb_serial_end"

Next, edit the file / etc/udev/rules.d/40-basic-permissions.rules and find the following paragraph:

# USB devices (usbfs replacement)
SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ENV {DEVTYPE} == "usb_device" MODE = "0664"
SUBSYSTEM == "usb_device", MODE = "0664"

In the file / etc/udev/rules.d/40-basic-permissions.rules defined types access to system devices that allow users and groups. We have to change the permissions so that all users can read and write to USB ports, leaving the paragraph as follows (I've written in bold the modification) :

# USB devices (usbfs replacement)
SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ENV {DEVTYPE} == "usb_device", MODE = "0666"
SUBSYSTEM == "usb_device", MODE = "0666"

For this configuration to take effect you must restart the computer (probably will be services, restarting, enabling this setting, but do not know).

Once restarted, you must configure each virtual machine to activate the USB ports to boot. To do this, you must access from VirtualBox, the virtual machine configuration and open the USB option, agreeing to a new window where you have to enable USB ports and click the Add Filter icon from device. View Figure 1.

Figure 1 Access the window in Figure 2.

Figure 2

This window shows the USB devices currently connected to the system. If any device is not shown because they are not connected. We have to select the devices you want and go back into the window of Figure 1, must repeat this process for each of the devices. Once this action will display a window similar to Figure 3.

Figure 3

In this example we have added a printer, external hard drive and a USB. This means that devices, from this moment, you can use this virtual machine. Each time you connect one of these devices and the virtual machine is running, the device will be accessible from the virtual machine, but not from the host computer. If you do not want to use one of these devices from the virtual machine, we have to turn off your box in the window of Figure 3 and then run the machine. Thus, the device will be accessible only from the host computer.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Model Lorries Not Painted

VirtualBox. Configure the Linux network.

When installing a VirtualBox virtual machine, the network card is configured in NAT mode, which has not advanced network and, therefore, the performance of the network interface are very limited. In this mode, VirtualBox uses its own router and DHCP , allowing out to the internet from the virtual machine, but preventing, among other things, to communicate with the host computer or, if we have two virtual machines on the same host team, communicate them. To know the limitations we have with this configuration, please consult the help of VirtualBox: Virtual networking -> Networking Address Translation -> NAT Limitations .

This article will configure the network card of the virtual machine so you do not have these limitations and, for example, can connect to the host computer and connection of two or more virtual machines created in the same host computer.

Proper setup is to create a bridge (bridge) to join the network interfaces the host computer and virtual machine or machines. Let it (remember that the host team has installed a Linux distribution, in my case, Ubuntu Linux 8.04).

All the operations we carry out from a terminal. When administrative tasks we will run the command sudo su and write our password to avoid typing sudo before every command.

The initial configuration of the computer's network card can host consult the file / etc / network / interfaces :

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # cat / etc / network / interfaces

car as

inet loopback iface what

auto eth0

Iface eth0 inet dhcp

lines relating to the interface eth0 may not be included in this file if you are using roaming.

The command ifconfig will display information on network cards:

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # ifconfig

eth0 Link encap: Ethernet direcciónHW 00:1 d: 72:07: df: f0

inet addr: Broadcast: Mask:

address inet6: fe80:: 21d: 72FF: fe07: dff0/64 Scope: Link


RX packets: 9 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame: 0

TX packets: 40 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 carrier: 0

collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 1000

RX bytes: 1254 (1.2 KB) TX bytes: 6028 (5.8 KB)

Interruption: 16

lo Link encap: Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:

address inet6:: 1 / 128 Scope: Host


RX packets: 1252 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame: 0

TX packets: 1252 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 carrier: 0

collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 0

RX bytes: 62600 (61.1 KB) TX bytes: 62600 (61.1 KB)

To create and use the bridge must download and install the package bridge-utils :

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # apt-get install bridge -utils

This software installs the necessary utilities to manage the bridge . If we run the order brctl show some of these utilities:

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # brctl

The next action to take is to create the bridge :

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie br0 # brctl addbr

Then, create a virtual interface to be used from the virtual machine (this action is performed with the order VBoxAddIF VirtualBox provides, available assistance VirtualBox For more information about these commands):

root @ elnuevo: / home / coralie # VBoxAddIF vbox0 coralie br0

VirtualBox host networking interface creation utility, version 1.6. 0

(C) 2005-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Creating the permanent host networking interface "vbox0" for coralie user.

VBoxAddIF Order creates a virtual interface vbox0 be used by the virtual machine, assign permissions to the user coralie to use the interface (this means that this interface can not use another user) and refers to the bridge br0 created previously.

If we use another virtual machine on the same host computer, create another virtual interface for this new machine, since each virtual machine should have its own virtual interface. In the following command creates the virtual interface vbox1 to be used by the user coralie and added to the br0 bridge created above:

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # VBoxAddIF vbox1 coralie br0

VirtualBox host networking interface creation utility, version 1.6.0

(C) 2005-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Creating the permanent host networking interface "vbox1" for coralie user.

can see bridge configuration with two interfaces virtual have been added by running the following command:

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # brctl show

bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces

br0 8000.00ff09719902 vbox0 not


The next action is edit the / etc / network / interfaces for the bridge configuration and network cards real and virtual take effect when you turn on the system or restart networking service . The contents of this file is as follows:

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # gedit / etc / network / interfaces

car as

the inet loopback iface

Auto eth0

iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto br0

iface br0 inet dhcp

bridge_ports eth0 vbox0 vbox1

The block on the bridge br0 get the IP address for br0 DHCP service and indicates that all information entering or leaving by interfaces eth0, and vbox0 vbox1 be addressed to the bridge .

For everything to work is that lift bridge and restart the networking :

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # ifconfig br0 up

root @ elnuevo: / home / coralie # / etc / init.d / networking restart

With this configuration everything should work fine, but it is not. The problem is that both the real network card as virtual function intermittently: sometimes yes and sometimes no. The command ifconfig see the configuration we have done:

root @ elnuevo: / home / coralie # ifconfig

br0 Link encap: Ethernet direcciónHW 00: ff: 09:71:99:02

inet addr: Broadcast: Mask:

address inet6: fe80:: 2ff: 9ff: fe71: 9902/64 Scope: Link


RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:25 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

colisiones:0 txqueuelen:0

RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:5534 (5.4 KB)

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet direcciónHW 00:1d:72:07:df:f0

inet dirección: Difusión: Máscara: address

inet6: fe80:: 21d: 72FF: fe07: dff0/64 Scope: Link


RX packets: 15 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame: 0

TX packets: 43 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 carrier: 0

collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 1000

RX bytes: 1826 (1.7 KB) TX bytes: 6379 (6.2 KB)

Interruption: 16

lo Link encap: Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:

address inet6:: 1 / 128 Scope: Host


RX packets: 1270 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame: 0

TX packets: 1270 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 carrier: 0

collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 0

RX bytes: 63500 (62.0 KB) TX bytes: 63500 (62.0 KB)

vbox0 Link encap: Ethernet direcciónHW 00: ff: 09:71:99:02

address inet6: fe80:: 2ff: 9ff: fe71: 9902/64 Scope: Link


RX packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame: 0

TX packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped: 25 overruns: 0 carrier: 0

collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 500

RX bytes: 0 (0.0 B) TX bytes: 0 (0.0 B)

vbox1 Link encap: Ethernet direcciónHW 00: ff: ca: ec: c2: 8c

address inet6: fe80:: 2ff: caff: FEEC: c28c/64 Scope: Link


RX packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame: 0

TX packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped: 25 overruns: 0 carrier : 0

collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 500

RX bytes: 0 (0.0 B) TX bytes: 0 (0.0 B)

After trying various configurations, I have come to conclusion that the problem arises because the real network card (eth0 ) and bridge (br0 ) share the same IP address (you can see them in the previous output of the command ifconfig ).

The solution I've found is to build the interface eth0 without assigning any IP address and only bridge br0 obtain the IP address. New content file / etc / network / interfaces would be:

root @ elnuevo: / home / coralie # gedit / etc / network / interfaces

car as

inet loopback iface what

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet manual

auto br0

iface br0 inet dhcp

eth0 bridge_ports vbox0 vbox1

The only change I made in this file is changing the line iface eth0 inet dhcp the line iface eth0 inet manual , thereby making interface eth0 adjournment but is not given any direction IP. These settings have been experimenting with two virtual machines (with dual boot Windows and Linux both) over the host team and has worked steadily for several days.

For this configuration to take effect, restart the networking service :

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # / etc / init.d / networking restart

The command ifconfig see that all interfaces are raised but the interface eth0 has no IP address:

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # ifconfig

br0 Link encap: Ethernet direcciónHW 00:1 d: 72:07: df: f0

inet addr : Broadcast: Mask:

address inet6: fe80:: 21d: 72FF: fe07: dff0/64 Scope: Link


RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:27 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

colisiones:0 txqueuelen:0

RX bytes:1042 (1.0 KB) TX bytes:4565 (4.4 KB)

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet direcciónHW 00:1d:72:07:df:f0

dirección inet6: fe80::21d:72ff:fe07:dff0/64 Alcance:Vínculo


RX packets: 8 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame: 0

TX packets: 27 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns : 0 carrier: 0

collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 1000

RX bytes: 1186 (1.1 KB) TX bytes: 4697 (4.5 KB)

Interruption: 16

lo Link encap: Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:

address inet6:: 1 / 128 Scope: Host


RX packets: 1288 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame: 0

TX packets: 1288 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 carrier: 0

collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 0

RX bytes: 64400 (62.8 KB) TX bytes: 64400 (62.8 KB)

vbox0 Link encap: Ethernet direcciónHW 00: ff: 09:71:99:02

address inet6: fe80 :: 2ff: 9ff: fe71: 9902/64 Scope: Link


RX packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame : 0

TX packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped: 55 overruns: 0 carrier: 0

collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 500

RX bytes: 0 (0.0 B) TX bytes: 0 (0.0 B)

vbox1 Link encap: Ethernet direcciónHW 00: ff: ca: ec: c2: 8c

address inet6: fe80:: 2ff: caff: FEEC: c28c/64 Scope: Link


RX packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame: 0

TX packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped: 33 overruns: 0 carrier: 0

collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 500

RX bytes: 0 (0.0 B) TX bytes: 0 (0.0 B)

If we see the bridge configuration, we get the following output:

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # brctl show

bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces

8000.001d7207dff0 br0 eth0 no



This output indicates that interfaces eth0, vbox0 vbox1 and are using the bridge Br0 .

Then, assign permissions to users on the directory / dev / net / tun using the system for managing virtual interfaces.

elnuevo root @: / home / coralie # chmod 0666 / dev / net / tun

Finally, you must specify the settings the virtual machine network (from VirtualBox) to be the configuration from the host interface and virtual interface has been created. This action is displayed in the window in Figure 1.

Figure 1

In this window you selected Anfirtión Interface in paragraph Connect and included vbox0 in paragraph Interface name. For the second virtual machine should include vbox1 in paragraph Interface Name and keep the other parameters in Figure 1.

If only going to itself uses a virtual machine on the host computer would have to omit all the settings made for the virtual interface vbox1 .

Remember that the user who will run the virtual machines must be a member of vboxusers .

One final note. If we use virtual machines with other users, create virtual interfaces for these users. Keep in mind that the permission to use the virtual interface is assigned when it is created, using the command VBoxAddIF vbox0 coralie br0. For example, if the user pepe use a virtual machine could not use virtual interfaces created for another user, and would have to use your own. To do this, run the command should VBoxAddIF vbox2 br0 pepe. In addition, the network configuration of your virtual machine (Figure 1), should be included vbox2 in paragraph Interface name. Do not forget edit the file / etc / network / interfaces and add the interface vbox2 in block bridge interface br0 , as follows: eth0 bridge_ports vbox0 vbox1 vbox2.

How could it be otherwise, Sun Microsystems, as of version 2.1.2 of VirtualBox, this configuration has been simplified network. In this article I posted the new method.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Kidde Smoke Detectors Keeps Beeping


If we make a copy of an already created virtual machine and the hydraulic / s OS / s already installed / s, use the command VirtualBox provides to clone hard drives . In fact, what is the hard disk cloning and not the entire machine. The new drive can be added to a new machine to be created or an existing machine.

When you create a virtual machine, VirtualBox assigns an identifier to the hard drive added to the machine. If this hard disk is copied, the new hard drive keeps the same identifier as the original, so that in trying to add it to another machine from VirtualBox generates an error because the disk identifier already exists. This is why you need to clone and copy, the hard disk using the utility provided by VirtualBox.

When you clone a hard disk, the disk cloning VirtualBox assigns a new ID and a new MAC address.

When you install VirtualBox creates a hidden directory called . VirtualBox in the directory home user, which contains folders Machines, where you create a folder for each existing machine with log files and their characteristics, and VDI that contains the hard drives created from VirtualBox. Unless otherwise noted, this is the hidden directory used VirtualBox for all operations.

To clone a hard disk use the command VBoxManage clonevdi , which receives as arguments the name of the hard drive to clone and name of the new hard drive. If you run the command VBoxManage from a terminal will display all your options. In support of VirtualBox can see the actions that can be performed with VBoxManage .

As an example, let's clone a hard disk, called Proyecto.vdi in a new hard drive, called Proyecto1.vdi .

The following command displays the original hard disk and its location:

elnuevo coralie @: ~ $ ls .VirtualBox / VDI

To clone the hard disk using the following order:

coralie @ elnuevo: ~ $ VBoxManage clonevdi Proyecto.vdi Proyecto1.vdi
VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 1.6.0
(C) 2005-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All rights reserved.

0% ... 10% ... 20% ... 30% ... 40% ... 50% ... 60 %..... 70% ... 80% .. .90% ... 100%

The following command displays the new hard drive and location:

elnuevo coralie @: ~ $ ls .VirtualBox / VDI
Proyecto1.vdi Proyecto.vdi

In this example we see that all actions have been made in the VirtualBox directory used by default. If we use another directory, you must specify the full path in the original hard drive name and the name of the cloned hard disk.

From this point, the cloned hard drive can be added to a new machine without any error and we use all our virtual machines simulating a network, along with the host computer. See article in this blog, to configure the network VirtualBox Linux.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jibjab Like Face Free

clone virtual machines VirtualBox. Error message: spawning session. Install and Configure Rosegarden

When we start a virtual machine from VirtualBox, you can generate the error message spawning session, the virtual machine being blocked, unable to run.

This problem is because the VirtualBox kernel module is not compiled under the host operating system kernel. The errror may occur when you install VirtualBox for the first time or when updating the kernel on the host computer.

To solve the problem must be run from a terminal, the following order:

sudo / etc / init.d / vboxdrv setup This command

VirtualBox module recompile the kernel on the host system.

VMs already created can still be used.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Soundblaster X-fi License

This article will set the score editor rosegarden, jack server ( Jack Audio Connection Kit ) rosegarden to play sound, which is an audio server that allows direct data applications sound hardware inputs and outputs of the system, and application qsynth , which is used for cards ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ) take as input data from a MIDI device ( rosegarden uses this data but have not connected MIDI instruments ) and by sources. sf2 (which are sources of high quality sound), the play in the audio output device. In addition, you must install a digital file converter for rosegarden be able to play any digital format. All these packages are necessary for the proper functioning of rosegarden .

To install all these applications, proceed as follows:

  • rosegarden Install from Synaptic .

  • Install qjackctl (the server name jack) from Synaptic .

  • qsynth Install from Synaptic .

  • Install sources sound. sf2 from address. From this page you can download these fonts. I have downloaded Unison.sf2 calls (see link at the bottom left of the window). When I download the stored in / opt and then I have unpacked in this directory, creating file Unison.sf2 .

  • Install from Synaptic , awesfx package, which is a utility that provides various programs to load sound sources from applications, for example, Rosegarden . The program that we will use the card to charge ALSA sound sources from rosegarden called asfxload (this configuration is described below).

  • Install from Synaptic , sox utility, which is a file converter in digital format to virtually any other format. This tool is used from rosegarden to be able to play any digital file formats.

Once the install, access menu Applications-> Sound & Video and run JACK Control options to launch the server jack, Qsynth , to launch the qsynth and Rosegarden (generated notices that we have ignore), to launch the score editor. Rosegarden application is much more than a score editor, although I use it almost exclusively, to write music and listen without using MIDI instruments .

then have to configure everything to work properly. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. rosegarden Set for the card use ALSA sound sources previously downloaded. To do this, once opened rosegarden , run the option Settings-> Configure Rosegarden and in the window that you agree, select in the left pane, the icon MIDI. Then you must set the window as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

In this figure we see that we have indicated that they use the program to asfxload card load ALSA sound sources Unison.sf2 , located in the directory / opt , which is where we unpacked, before, after Internet download.

Close rosegarden.

  1. Launch jack server and start pressing the Start button . Note that, after start, show the numbers 0 (0) below the text Started . These values \u200b\u200bare growing continuously, so it is necessary to configure the server to not be blocked. These numbers are called xruns and audio are lost. To stabilize at 0 (0) see Section 7.

Figure 2
  1. Launching the application qsynth .

Figure 3

  1. display in implementing the qsynth MIDI client to be used for card ALSA . To do so, press the Setup button in Figure 3 and select qsynth listed ALSA Sequencer Client ID (see Figure 4). This name is the one to choose from rosegarden for the sound to play through the sound card (see Figure 8).

Figure 4
  1. Indicate qsynth application that will use the server as jack output. To do so, press the Setup button in Figure 3 and in the new window, open the Audio tab . Figure 5 shows the configuration to be performed in this window.

Figure 5

  1. display in the application qsynth sound sources to be used. To do this, open the tab Soundfonts in Figure 4 and set the window as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6

In this window we selected the folder and downloaded sound sources above.

  1. Configure the jack so that the sounds play correctly. To do this, you have to access the jack window (see Section 2) and press the Setup . In the window that is accessed to set the values \u200b\u200bshown in Figure 7.

Figure 7

With these values, the sounds are played correctly and stabilize the xruns (see Section 2). Keep in mind that these values \u200b\u200bvary between different hardware, so there have to try to get xruns stabilize, getting the value 0 (0) continuously.

With these settings, and can run rosegarden . It should be noted that, before running rosegarden , you have to throw in that order, applications and jack qsynth .

Before sounds are played through your sound card, you have to make a final configuration rosegarden. To do this, run the option Studio-> Manage MIDI devices and set the window as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8

Settings made in this window is to select the value 129:0 Synth input port (qsynth: 0) (write) in the list in paragraph connection to the device General MIDI Device (See Section 4). If rosegarden not play any sounds, make sure that this setting has been made to the file that is trying to play.

As we see in this article, this configuration is somewhat complex, but just working. I "only" took me a couple of days make it work and that is what has encouraged me to publish my experiences. During my research, I discovered a Linux operating system targeted exclusively to fans and / or professional audio and video editing. KDE is based on and is that, in addition to all the applications installed on a version of "normal" installed and configured automatically, the best free applications to perform any task with audio and video. Needless to say, the installation and configuration described above are already made in this system, and many others, obviously, I have not had time to test.

The operating system is translated into Castilian and numerous manuals, and included in the installation, the software can be used. Some manuals are also in Castilian. The applications included have nothing to envy to the payment and some even exceeded.

The drawback is you have to install a new operating system on your computer, but, in my opinion, the benefits offered outweigh this one drawback. You can also start the computer with a Live CD and test applications. This was the first step that I gave and finally finished installing. Now I have two Linux partitions on my computer and rip each according to the task to be performed.

This system is called Musix GNU Linux and you can download at . I have used the server the University of Crete, Greece , because it is the only one I've found the latest versions to publish this article, which is the MusixGNU + Linux1.0R4_DVD_Stable.iso . It is advisable that you read the information quietly published in the above address (for example, in the direction find a manual in Castilian operating system, including installation).

If you will not be settling a new system, if you still can configure rosegarden following this article.

Courage and enjoy audio and video ... Linux!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Cake Boss Doing Blue Fondant

Install mp3 codecs

The exhaust fan is installed with Ubuntu Sound Juicer . By default, Ubuntu does not install mp3 codecs for which, in principle, it is possible to extract music to this format.

If we open the exhaust
Sound Juicer, we agree to Edit-> Preferences and deploy the output format list in paragraph format , see that no the option CD Quality, MP3 (MP3 audio) .

To install the mp3 codecs have to run the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse

If you then reopen the exhaust Sound Juicer, we agree to Edit-> Preferences and deploy the output format list in paragraph format , we can see that now have the option CD Quality, MP3 (MP3 audio) , you must select before removing the music.

See this article and this one Article to install more multimedia codecs.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Color Of Shirt With Grey Suit

Restore GDM after installing KDE4 KDE4 on Ubuntu Install

When installed KDE4, I'm talking about Ubuntu 8.04, the decision management environment KDE, but GNOME session is started. This means that there are GNOME applications do not start, I insist, even if you logged on with GNOME.

To return to restore the GNOME environment, edit the file / etc / gdm / gdm.conf and change the line AutomaticLoginEnable = false by AutomaticLoginEnable = true . Then, restart the X server (Ctrl + Alt + Backspace) or restart the system. Made clear that, after performing this action, you can still use KDE.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Best Trowel Size 4 Marble Walltile

Install kde4 in Ubuntu.

Before installing KDE4 have to perform some operations to avoid problems later. For example, if we want to enable root user (refer to this process in this blog ) must be done before installing KDE4.

KDE4 To install, follow these steps:

  • Edit your sources.list to update the repositories correctly:
gedit / etc / apt / sources.list
  • the sources.list file the following line: deb gutsy man
  • Update:
apt-get update Install
  • :
apt-get install kde4-core

KDE To enter, restart the session. I've tried and have not had any problems.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sweating Green Spits Cough

Installing Windows fonts in Linux

Install Windows fonts in Linux.

is very simple. Simply run the command apt-get install msttcorefonts from a terminal or download and install the msttcorefonts package from a package manager.

How To Treat Pitted Acne Scars

Create users with administrative privileges

Users sudoers. WORK UNIT No. 5

When installing the system, only the user created during installation can perform administrative tasks, always run the command sudo . If we do not execute the order sudo continuously, you can run sudo su once, in each session, and , since then, performing administrative tasks.

If we use the user root you must enable it as described in the entry Ubuntu Linux. Enable account root user in this blog.

For safety, it is not appropriate to initiate a session with the user root to work normally. It is safer to start a session with another user and run the command sudo or sudo su when you want to perform administrative tasks.

When creating new users, they can not perform administrative tasks with the order sudo, because only users included in group admin may execute the order sudo to manage system. This configuration is done in the file / etc / sudoers , whose contents are shown below:

# / etc / sudoers
# # This file MUST
Be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.

# # See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
# Host alias specification # User alias specification

# Cmnd alias specification # Defaults

Defaults! Lecture, tty_tickets,! Fqdn # User

privilege specification root ALL = (ALL) ALL # Members of the
group admin May gain root privileges
% admin ALL = (ALL) ALL

The last line of this file is indicating that all users group members admin can perform administrative tasks with the order sudo .

If we consult the file / etc / group , which is the file that contains the groups created, and its members, created in the system, we'll see a line similar to this:

admin: x: 117: Coralie, root

This line indicates that users coralie and root are the only members of the group users admin and, therefore, only these users can perform administrative tasks with the order sudo .

To include a user in the group admin , you can run the command adduser user admin where user is the account you want to add the group admin . The following lines show the output of this command:

servidor2dai root @: ~ # adduser user admin

Adding user 'user' to group 'admin' ...


If we look at the contents of / etc / group , see the following line:

admin: x: 117: Coralie, user

these lines we note that the user named user has been added to the group admin and, therefore, may perform administrative tasks with the order sudo .