Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hair Products For Dry Damaged Hair

Install GUI Install wireless card drivers in Ubuntu

Normally, Ubuntu recognized the wireless network card automatically, but not always. The difficulty arises when we have to install the wireless card drivers manually, because manufacturers usually do not provide drivers for Linux. In this case, install the Windows drivers in Linux, which is the subject of this article. Hands (all the operations we do with the user root ).

First, we must
download and install the Ndiswrapper . To do this, execute the order apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 (this is the last version of this package in the time of preparation of this article.)

insert the DVD with Microsoft drivers for the wireless card and search for drivers. In my case, are in the folder Drivers/80211BG/Winxp . In this location are files i2220ntx.sys and neti2220.inf , which are to be copied to the installation of drivers. These files are going to copy the folder drivers you'll create in / opt.

position ourselves in the directory / opt / drivers and execute the order ndiswrapper-i neti2220.inf to install the wireless card drivers. If, subsequently, the contents directory / etc / ndiswrapper , there will be a subdirectory called neti2220 , which contains the drivers just installed. If our wireless network card connects to port usb , connect at this time. The following lines show the result of the implementation of these orders:

Root @ alsico-laptop: ~ # cd / opt / drivers

alsico-root @ laptop: / opt / drivers # ndiswrapper-i neti2220.inf

neti2220 Installing ...

alsico-root @ laptop: / opt / drivers # ls / etc/ndiswrapper/neti2220

17FE: 2220:0305:1468.5. Conf 17FE: 2220.5.conf i2220ntx.sys neti2220.inf

Let execute the order ndiswrapper-l to verify that the driver is installed correctly. The output of this command is:

alsico-root @ laptop: / opt / drivers # ndiswrapper-l

neti2220: driver installed

device (17FE: 2220) present

Finally, we will execute the order ndiswrapper-m . This command creates the file ndiswrapper in directory / etc / modprobe.d , whose content is the line alias wlan0 ndiswrapper , indicating that it will use the alias wlan0 for wireless network card. The output of the ndiswrapper-m is:

root @ alsico-laptop: / opt / drivers # ndiswrapper-m

adding "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" to / etc / modprobe.d / ndiswrapper ...

If we activate the wireless card at this time, run the command ifconfig wlan0 and you can access the wireless network available to us, by clicking on the Network icon located on the top bar on the desktop.

the card to be automatically activated when we fire the computer, edit the file / etc / modules and add the line ndiswrapper.

If we do not want to leave basurilla , can delete the directory / etc / drivers .

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Large Lump Of Mucus In Nose

Printer Error. Unauthorized - The password may be incorrect. Media Server on Linux

We will fix a bug that can be complicated.

The printer management is made easy in Ubuntu. But suddenly (as things tend to happen in computer science), where we will modify the configuration of an existing printer, delete a printer or a new printer, you miss a window that tells us we are not authorized to perform this operation because the password may be incorrect. And now what?

After a few laps, I realized that I have enabled authentication Kerberos. We can see from the Web GUI cupsys, http://localhost:631 accessing and opening the Administration tab. I do not know when this authentication enabled, but the fact is that it is activated.

To solve the problem, you have to disable Kerberos authentication. To do this, run the command sudo gedit / etc / cups / cupsd.conf and remove or comment the line DefaultAuthType Negotiate. Save the changes and restart cupsys sudo with the command / etc / init.d / cupsys restart .

Problem solved.