. Configure the Linux network. Install Multimedia Codecs In December 2008 I published an article
to configure the network in VirtualBox under Linux. It described how to access the entire network from vituale machines. To do this, you had to configure a bridge
and a virtual card and disable the real network card so that all traffic go through the bridge
. Configuration is somewhat cumbersome, but when know how to do, quite simple and it works perfectly.
know that VirtualBox is a project of Sun Microsystems. Well, when we use software backed by a solvent (and Sun Microsystems is), these "little problems" are solved quickly. In fact, in version 2.1.2 of VirtualBox (and I assume, from this version, also in the following), the configuration of the network so that virtual machines have full access to the network is very simple and no to use either the bridge
or virtual cards. Hands.
Once we have created the virtual machine, we access the network configuration
and select Host Interface
in paragraph Attached to . Table Host Interfaces
displays the network cards installed in the system. Select one and press the OK button
. I later found that there is no option
Host Interface. In these cases you should select Bridged
Adapter network card and the system in paragraph
Name .
Setup Complete!
several weeks ago that I am testing this configuration with multiple virtual machines (Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux) operating simultaneously and going great.
A VirtualBox continue to enjoy!